Are you ready to beat the summer heat with some refreshing beverages? Look no further, because we have compiled a list of cool summer drinks that will keep you cool and hydrated all season long. As the temperatures soar and the sun beats down relentlessly, there’s nothing quite like a cool, refreshing beverage to rejuvenate your senses and beat the summer heat. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, hosting a backyard barbecue, or simply seeking relief from the sweltering weather, here are some delicious and innovative summer drink ideas to keep you cool and hydrated.

Aam Panna: The Refreshing Indian Summer Cooler

Aam Panna is a traditional Indian beverage renowned for its cooling properties, perfect for beating the scorching summer heat. Prepared primarily from raw mangoes, this tangy and sweet concoction is not only delicious but also rich in essential nutrients. Let’s delve into how this refreshing drink is prepared:


  1. Raw green mangoes (preferably unripe)
  2. Sugar or jaggery (to taste)
  3. Roasted cumin powder
  4. Black salt
  5. Fresh mint leaves
  6. Ice cubes
  7. Water

Preparation Steps:

  1. Boil the Mangoes: Begin by washing the raw mangoes thoroughly under running water. Then, place them in a pot filled with enough water to cover them entirely. Boil the mangoes until they become soft and tender. This process usually takes around 15-20 minutes depending on the size and ripeness of the mangoes.
  2. Peel and Extract Pulp: Once the mangoes are cooked and soft, allow them to cool down. After cooling, carefully peel off the skin and remove the pulp from the seeds. You should have a smooth, soft mango pulp.
  3. Blend the Mango Pulp: Transfer the mango pulp into a blender or food processor. Add sugar or jaggery according to your taste preference. For a healthier option, you can adjust the sweetness as desired. Blend the mango pulp and sugar/jaggery until you achieve a smooth consistency.
  4. Add Flavorings: Next, add a pinch of roasted cumin powder and black salt to the blended mango mixture. These spices not only enhance the flavor but also provide a distinctive tanginess and depth to the drink.
  5. Add Mint Leaves: Tear a handful of fresh mint leaves and add them to the blender. Mint leaves impart a refreshing aroma and a hint of coolness to the Aam Panna.
  6. Blend Again: Blend all the ingredients together once more until the mint leaves are finely incorporated into the mixture.
  7. Adjust Consistency: Depending on your preference, you can adjust the consistency of the Aam Panna by adding water. If you prefer a thinner consistency, add more water and blend again until well combined.
  8. Chill and Serve: Transfer the Aam Panna into a pitcher or glass decanter. Add ice cubes to keep it chilled. You can also refrigerate the Aam Panna for a few hours before serving to enhance its refreshing effect.
  9. Garnish and Enjoy: Before serving, garnish the Aam Panna with a sprig of fresh mint or a slice of lemon for an extra burst of flavor. Serve the chilled Aam Panna in glasses and relish its tangy-sweet goodness on a hot summer day.

Aam Panna not only quenches your thirst but also replenishes electrolytes, making it an ideal beverage to stay hydrated during the scorching summer months. So, indulge in this delightful Indian summer cooler and savor the taste of summer in every sip!

Jaljeera: The Spicy and Refreshing Indian Drink

Jaljeera is a popular Indian beverage known for its unique blend of spices, tangy flavors, and refreshing taste. It’s a quintessential summer cooler that not only quenches thirst but also aids digestion. Let’s explore how this invigorating drink is prepared:


  1. Cumin Seeds (Jeera): 2 tablespoons
  2. Fresh Mint Leaves: 1/2 cup, tightly packed
  3. Fresh Coriander Leaves: 1/4 cup, tightly packed
  4. Green Chilies: 1-2 (adjust according to spice preference), chopped
  5. Ginger: 1-inch piece, peeled and chopped
  6. Black Salt: 1 teaspoon
  7. Amchur (Dry Mango Powder): 1 teaspoon
  8. Black Pepper: 1/2 teaspoon, freshly ground
  9. Tamarind Pulp: 2 tablespoons
  10. Lemon Juice: 2 tablespoons
  11. Sugar: 1 tablespoon (optional)
  12. Water: 4 cups
  13. Ice Cubes: for serving
  14. Fresh Mint Leaves: for garnish
  15. Roasted Cumin Powder: for garnish (optional)

Preparation Steps:

  1. Dry Roast Cumin Seeds: Heat a small skillet over medium heat. Add the cumin seeds to the skillet and dry roast them until they become fragrant and slightly darker in color. This process usually takes about 1-2 minutes. Be careful not to burn them. Once roasted, remove from heat and let them cool.
  2. Prepare the Spice Paste: In a blender or food processor, combine the roasted cumin seeds, fresh mint leaves, fresh coriander leaves, chopped green chilies, chopped ginger, black salt, amchur (dry mango powder), and freshly ground black pepper. Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste. You may need to scrape down the sides of the blender jar or food processor bowl a few times to ensure even blending.
  3. Mix with Tamarind Pulp and Lemon Juice: Transfer the spice paste to a large mixing bowl. Add the tamarind pulp and lemon juice to the bowl. If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can also add a tablespoon of sugar at this stage. Mix well to combine all the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Dilute with Water: Gradually add 4 cups of water to the spice mixture in the bowl. Stir well until everything is evenly mixed and the flavors are well incorporated into the water.
  5. Strain (Optional): If you prefer a smoother texture, you can strain the jaljeera mixture using a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any coarse particles. However, this step is optional, as some people enjoy the added texture of the spices in their drink.
  6. Chill and Serve: Transfer the strained jaljeera into a pitcher or serving jug. Refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours to allow the flavors to meld and the drink to chill thoroughly. Before serving, add a few ice cubes to each glass and pour the chilled jaljeera over the ice.
  7. Garnish and Enjoy: Garnish each glass of jaljeera with a sprig of fresh mint leaves and a sprinkle of roasted cumin powder, if desired. Serve immediately and enjoy the spicy, tangy, and refreshing flavors of this traditional Indian drink.

Jaljeera is not only a delightful summer cooler but also a popular appetizer and digestive aid in Indian cuisine. So, sip on this flavorful concoction and experience the vibrant tastes of India in every refreshing sip!


Buttermilk, a classic summer beverage, offers a tangy and refreshing taste that provides relief from the scorching heat. With its thin texture and slightly sour flavor, buttermilk serves as an excellent hydrating option during hot weather. Rich in probiotics, it aids digestion and promotes gut health, making it an ideal choice after indulging in heavy meals. Versatile in its use, buttermilk can be enjoyed plain or infused with herbs and spices like cumin or mint, enhancing its cooling properties and adding a flavorful twist to this traditional drink.

Sugarcane Juice:

Sugarcane juice, a popular summer delight, entices with its natural sweetness and refreshing texture. Bursting with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates, it replenishes lost electrolytes and provides an instant energy boost. Known for its cooling properties, sugarcane juice offers relief from the sweltering heat, making it a favorite choice among parched throats. Served chilled with ice cubes, this nutrient-rich beverage not only quenches thirst but also tantalizes the taste buds with its delightful sweetness and revitalizing effect.

Coconut Water:

Coconut water, nature’s own hydrating elixir, captivates with its subtle sweetness and light texture. Packed with electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, it replenishes the body’s fluids and aids in hydration during hot summer days. Low in calories and free from fat and cholesterol, coconut water is a guilt-free indulgence that satisfies thirst without compromising on health. Whether sipped straight from the coconut or poured from a tetra pack, coconut water offers natural refreshment, cooling the body and rejuvenating the senses with its pure and invigorating essence.


With these creative and delicious summer beverage ideas, you’ll be well-equipped to stay cool, hydrated, and satisfied all season long. So, next time you are feeling the summer heat, reach for one of these cool beverages to keep you refreshed and energized. Cheers to a fun and cool summer!


1. How do I prepare Aam Panna at home?

Aam Panna, a traditional Indian summer cooler, can be prepared by boiling raw green mangoes until soft, extracting the pulp, and blending it with sugar, roasted cumin powder, black salt, fresh mint leaves, and water. The mixture is then chilled and served over ice for a refreshing treat.

2. What are the health benefits of Aam Panna?

Aam Panna is rich in essential nutrients like vitamin C and electrolytes, making it a great hydrating beverage. It also aids digestion, boosts immunity, and provides relief from heat-related discomfort during the summer months.

3. Is Jaljeera suitable for those with dietary restrictions?

Jaljeera is a spicy and tangy Indian drink prepared with cumin seeds, mint, coriander, and other spices. While it’s generally well-tolerated, individuals with sensitivities to spicy or acidic foods may want to consume it in moderation.

4. Can I adjust the spiciness of Jaljeera according to my preference?

Yes, you can adjust the amount of green chilies used in Jaljeera to control its spiciness. Start with fewer chilies and add more gradually until you achieve your desired level of heat.

5. How is Buttermilk different from regular milk?

Buttermilk is thinner in consistency and has a slightly sour taste compared to regular milk. It is also lower in fat content and contains probiotics, which aid digestion and promote gut health.

6. Is Sugarcane Juice high in calories?

While Sugarcane Juice contains natural sugars, it is relatively low in calories compared to many other sweetened beverages. However, it’s still important to consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

7. Can Coconut Water be consumed daily?

Yes, Coconut Water can be consumed daily as part of a healthy diet. It is a natural source of hydration and provides essential electrolytes, making it a great choice for staying hydrated during the summer months.

8. Are these summer beverages suitable for children?

Yes, these summer beverages can be enjoyed by children, but it’s essential to monitor their intake, especially if they have any dietary restrictions or sensitivities to certain ingredients. Additionally, you may want to adjust the sweetness or spice levels to suit their preferences.

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